The Pahoki Family: A Portrait, 2008
The Pahoki Family: A Portrait, 2008
The Pahoki Family: A Portrait, 2008

Documentation Images: Andrew Curtis

Catalogue Text:

The first thing I did when I received a Gertrude Studio was to invest in a laptop computer and a good quality radio. I’m not an artist that paints or draws in their studio. I spend most of my time day-dreaming and procrastinating, and yes I do seem to spend much time googling my name just to see if anything new comes up.

As far as I am aware, there are only five of us Pahokis (+1, my sister in-law) in Australia. 

And actually there isn’t heaps of stuff on pahoki on the web. Sometimes I’ll type in variations in case my name was misspelt ‘pohoki, pohaki, paholi, etc.’ 

The things you find when you google.

I found out that there is a town in Florida called Pahoki that is so small it’s basically a trailer park. Not very glamorous.

Then there was the time I came across a Pahoki reference in the ‘Cultural Code Words of the Hopi People’: 

‘ … there has long been a Hopi pahoki (pah-hoh-kee) or “shrine” on the mountain, but to outsiders a pahoki is no more than a pile of rocks.’

And a favourite google search result was the day that I came across the words ‘Pahoki and the Skunk’. It was in someone’s blog. 

‘In the process of rescuing and adopting Pahoki and the Skunk, I learned that the Kansas City area has organizations dedicated to adopting rabbits and guinea pigs, but there are no adoption organizations for hamsters, gerbils, mice or rats.’

Google™: keeps it real.

- Sanja Pahoki
